
Terms & Condition

Galaxy Spies Enterprise owns properties and conditions under which it operates, as a specialized institution in the development of business, electronic marketing services, and meta viruses. By using our website, users become legally obligated to these terms, which apply immediately after using the website. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use or browse our website. We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time.

Using our website

Browsers of our website are prohibited from copying the content and republishing it on any other websites.

It is advised not to use images from our website, and modifying, changing, or producing works based on them is prohibited. Our content should only be used after obtaining prior permission from our website.

You are committed not to do anything that affects the operation of our website and that your use does not affect the security or disablement of the website.

Legal Liability Limits

At Galaxy Spies Enterprise, we take great care to regularly check and test the content of the website to ensure the safety of our visitors’ data and information, and we strive to provide our services at the highest levels of quality. However, our responsibility is limited to providing the website in its current state, and we are not responsible for any damage that may occur due to the use of the website. We cannot guarantee uninterrupted service, but we are committed to providing a fully integrated and secure website with the highest quality.

Intellectual Property

Prepare to embark on a journey of business development, electronic marketing, and meta viruses with the Galaxy Spies team. We have the full right to publish unique and high-quality content, produced by an integrated team that strives to provide valuable and useful information to our unique audience. Follow our leading website and make sure not to copy any content from it.


At Galaxy Spies Foundation, we always strive to provide the best services through our website. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify the terms of service and other terms we offer without consulting you. However, do not worry, as we are working hard to fully inform you of all new updates and modifications. You can rely on our new services with confidence, as long as you continue to use our website. This means that you automatically agree to all the modifications and updates we make.


At Galaxy Spies Foundation, we care about providing a unique experience for our valued visitors. Therefore, we strive to keep you constantly updated with all the new features available on our website. For this reason, we will send notifications via the email you registered with us, so that you are aware of the latest services and features that we offer to you.


At Galaxy Spies, our freedom to do business comes with our responsibility to protect your personal data. We strive to enforce our terms and conditions strictly and do not tolerate any violations on our website. In the event of non-compliance with our terms, we may be forced to terminate our business with you and take the necessary legal action. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with these terms and comply with them so that our collaboration remains safe and productive for everyone.


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Galaxy Spies
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